
April 27, 2009

Pull Tea

i didnt freaking sleep last night. this is the first time for me. usually i take a nap first so when it comes to night im not sleepy so i can do my homework. but it was so freaking weird yesterday. yesterday, i wake up at 7ish am. didnt take freaking nap. even for a sec i didnt sleep at all. it was so weird. i thought id be so sleepy during school time today. the truth was not. well, during the academic readin time i slept maybe for just half an hour since it was movie time and i felt really sleepy so i decided to listen to Marc and i fell asleep. when i got home, i went to bed didnt bother to change my dirty school uniform. but i just slept for like 3 hours. and im so wondering rite now, was it because i drank 2 glasses of Pull Tea-Teh Tarik lol? it was so weird. i didnt drink any coffee fyi. i just drank lots of mineral water and 2 glasses of Pull Tea. no coffee. trust me. well, maybe it was just my adrenaline or whatever it was. Gracias

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