
July 04, 2009

Random Thoughts

i just feel like blogging rite now. so i think this post is gonna be like, dunno, random? my holiday will end up next week and i dont think that im ready to go to school again. studying.. eating.. not youtubing.. sweating.. walking.. hahaha seems this holiday makes me a really really lazy girl. what have i been doin' since the holiday started? in the first week of holiday, i think i went a lot w/ my friends. did I? hahahaha. the second week i went to the dentist, tried to work up, went to deby's birthday, lana's birthday, danced. and the third week? i went to the dentist, again. got my tooth pulled off. because of that i cant eat, cant go out, cant drink hot/ice water. sucks, huh? i make my life so miserable this holiday. i cant wait for next week -suddenly my heart is racing rite now- but in the other hand i dont want this holiday to be over. i mean seriously im not ready to be a senior rite now. i just feel like i just want to play around. laughing. youtubing. youtubing. youtubing. twittering. ahahahaha. i dont think that i am able to leave youtube and twitter. tamparamtamtamtamtamparamtamtam. there're butterflies in my stomach kakaka. feel nervous already, havent i? hahahahaha. i've never felt this way before. i say it truthfully. and waiting for the postman is also the thing that i've never done before. okay.. this is getting weird now. that's it for now peeps. have a great and lovely day. bye bitches!

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